Third complete project in Unity, first original game with my group, Team Beetleborg. This, is Wizardball!
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Intro Screen |
WizardBall Logo |
Wizardball is the twin-stick sports game in which you control powerful wizards who control giant spectral hands to throw the ball, and each other, around the playing pitch.
Wizards select from 4 powerful talents prior to each match. Each wizard has the ability to draw from their ruinic circle for a burst of speed (sprint). Matches are 2 minutes in length, and the highest score wins.
Rage Mode: | You cannot be grabbed for the duration of Rage Mode |
Speed Boost: | An additional, sustained speed boost for a short time |
Power Shot: | Your next shot will have significant extra speed |
Force Pulse: | Knock everything around you (players and the ball) a distance away |
All wizards can draw from their runic circle to sprint |
Unity asset Unity Multipurpose Avatar (UMA), as well as some custom assets, were used to create the Wizards. The spectral hands were custom created and rigged in Blender.
The levels were all built in Google Sketch-up, which can save in file formats for import into Unity.
Level Select |
The game was designed to played with a hand-held controller. Currently 2 players (1v1) and 4 players (2v2) are supported. Unity asset InControl was used, so the game supports any controller input. It was primarily tested on X-Box controllers, and verified to work with a few 3rd party controllers.
Move Player: | Left Stick |
Move Spectral Hand: | Right Stick |
Sprint: | Left-Trigger |
Shoot Ball or Toss Player: |
Right-Trigger |
Special Ability: | Right-Bumper |
Break free from opposing Wizard's hand: | Left+Right Triggers |
Or, feel free to utilize this handy instruction card.
Upon loading the game, it is highly recommended you un-plug all controllers being used, and plug them back in when the WizardBall Logo appears. This eliminates some occassionally buggy behaviour with controller inputs being mapped to other controllers.
Download Unity Build (PC) |